Welcome to The ISHUES Project... Now, Where's Mimi?
You read it right: That’s ISHUES, not issues.
Our project documenting ordinary people taking action is partly named after the lead singer of the band William Pilgrim.
His name is Ishmael Herring and he met one of our directors, PM Romero, after answering a Craigslist ad for a vocalist.
Turns out Ish (as we call him) has an amazing voice—raw and smoky. But he’s also got a bleak past.
Our feature documentary film coming out next year follows the band’s growth over six years, while taking a look at the struggles that follow Ish after years of foster care and a life on the streets of Los Angeles.
Before that film comes out, we’re taking a deep dive into social issues revolving around people like Ish who have been abandoned by our society.
That’s why we’re rolling out The ISHUES Project, a weekly look at social issues and the ordinary people who are taking action in their communities.
If you haven’t already seen them all over our social media accounts, clips from our first ISHUES Project webisode have premiered.
“Where’s Mimi?” documents grassroots activists knocking on the door of Trump loyalist U.S. Rep. Mimi Walters (R-CA 45th district), who supported his Muslim bans and the repeal of the Affordable Care Act, also known as Obamacare. Like many people in this country, these Orange County residents aren’t waiting for someone else to do the work. They’re standing up and demanding change.